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Distance and Proximity

Distance & Proximity

Digital Photographic Images

These works were made in Aberdeen and it's surrounding areas during the COVID lock-down in 2020.

They were to be viewed as part of my masters project at the Gray's School of Art.

Prior to starting the course my knowledge of photography was limited to say the least; to the likes of Henri Cartier-Bresson and Martin Parr who are both house hold names in the UK and Europe.

After a tutor suggested that some of my pictures reminded her of 'Jeff Wall' and 'Candida Höfer' I promptly went off and researched them.

It was then when I became fascinated by the large scale photographic images associated with these artists and
after immersing myself in whatever I could find online and in books I went about trying to create a series of stand alone pictures that would be in dialogue with the likes of Andreas Gursky, Thomas Struth and the aforementioned Jeff Wall.

The images are composites, made from multiple digital photographs of the respective scenes.

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